isoCME Events

Create your own bespoke isoCME Residential Program



  • Dates to suit your busy schedule

  • Select from a range of curated programs, or nominate your own

  • Any destination of your choosing



  • Enhanced meals and beverages allowance

  • Optional inclusion of a conference audio device

  • Optional accommodation booking through isoCME*

    *Available exclusively to existing isoCME clients only

Suggested Events

To get started, simply email our friendly concierge team at or fill out the form below:


*isoCME is a conference booking agent only. We do not represent the above listed entities and are not the copyright holder of the on-demand educational material. We do not guarantee the quality of the educational material received.

Our Philosophy


isoCME focuses on transforming the experience of your continuing medical education through our isoCME Residential Programs.


isoCME caters to a more exclusive group of clients compared to traditional medical conferences, which allows us to provide a more personalised approach to continuing medical education. We have challenged many conventional ideas about medical conferences, and we will continue to be disruptive and innovative in the educational space.


All our programs are developed to promote learning efficiency in an optimised environment that is safe during a pandemic, but more importantly free from day-to-day distractions and stressors. 


We deploy the latest technology, using cutting edge research on learning psychology and behavioural economics to enhance the overall learning experience and maximise the educational impact of our events.

The isoCME Learning Model

Each isoCME residential program takes a holistic approach focusing not just on content, but also on the entire learning experience. We strongly believe the design of the learning environment is just as important as the materials being delivered.


We partner with content creators and conference organisers from around the globe to source the best learning materials, and we put just as much effort into creating tranquil learning environments to boost learning efficiency.